Home 1998/2010
Matchworn between 1998 and 2010.
Manufacturer: Emme
Source: Collector / Vatican City FA
Attention! Religious puns ahead!
Holy Pope! My newest robe is nun other than this divine Vatican shirt. Never have I thought to be Abel to cross such an iconic shirt off my wantlist, especially since I Noah lot of collectors had an unsuccessful crusade to acquire one. You can surely comprehend my excitement, when apostle man rang my bell and delivered this relic!
Many people are wondering if the Vatican City has a proper national team, considering the world’s smallest country has a population of only 800 people, of whom merely 550 have a Vatican passport.
Given the high average age of the population, that doesn’t leave to many competent players, eligible to play for the team. Yet, the Vatican regularly accomplishes to field a squad for their annual friendly games, consisting of Vatican employees and even members of the Swiss Guard.
As the Vatican isn’t a FIFA member, those games are usually held against other amateur selections, with their top rival being Monaco’s national team
Even as an atheist I have to confess the shirt emits a certain aura. While not a very fancy design, the shirt absolutely screams 90s amateur football with its shiny fabric and the big collar. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come with a badge but with instead with a big lettering on the front. With the package came a pair of shorts, which are technically from the kit the team wore before, as well as two socks.
Allegedly, the shirt has been worn between 1998 and 2010, but sadly, I haven’t been able to find out which player donned the number 8.
To top it all off, the shirt also came with a certificate from Vatican Amateur Sports Association, proving the authenticity of the jersey:
“It is confirmed and confirmed that the set consisting of white / yellow shirts with the inscription "RAPP. DIPENDENTI S.C.V." on the chest, white shorts and yellow socks was worn from 1998 to 2010 by the Football Representative of the Vatican Employees in various matches in Italy and abroad.”
